6 Rhythm

“You hit on the one, and then you would try to fit your different notes—what you felt—in-between that, you know. And that’s the funk.” - Bootsy Collins

Rhythm is the timing of musical sounds and silences over time.

Table 6.1: Rhythm symbols and their durations.
Note Symbol Duration
Dotted whole note   6 beats
Whole note 4 beats

Dotted half note

 

3 beats

Half note

2 beats

Dotted quarter note

 

1 1/2 beats

Quarter note

1 beat

Dotted eighth note

 

3/4 beat

Eighth note

1/2 beat

Dotted sixteenth note

 

3/8 beat

Sixteenth note

1/4 beat

Dotted thirty-second note

 

3/16 beat

Thirty-second note

1/8 beat

Dotted sixty-fourth note

 

3/32 beat

Sixty-fourth note

1/16 beat